Samastipur. In Kakadghat village of Shivajinagar OP police station area of the district, uncle shot dead his nephew studying in fifth grade. Rajeev Sahni’s 12-year-old son Aniket Kumar was watching TV at the time of the incident. After getting information about the incident, the police of Shivajinagar police station took the body of the deceased in their custody and sent it to Sadar Hospital for postmortem. At the same time, Aniket’s father has accused him of murder due to debt recovery.
50 thousand rupees loan was given
Rajeev Sahni told that my son was watching TV sitting at the door of the house. During this, his own brother Arvind Sahni and his friend Prince Chaudhary suddenly came to the door and shot his son in the chest. Due to this he died on the spot. At the same time, during the escape, one of the accused, Prince Chaudhary, was chased and caught by the people. The villagers handed him over to the police along with the weapon. Rajeev Sahni told that he had given a loan of 50 thousand rupees six months ago to Prince Chaudhary of the village. Now he was asking him to return that amount, but the prince was hesitant.
the accused will be arrested
In this regard, OP in-charge Kamal Ram told that Prince Chaudhary involved in the incident has been arrested. Police is raiding in search of the main accused Arvind Sahni. Arrest will be made soon. Police said that the matter seems to be of mutual dispute. The child’s father has told the police in a written complaint that his son was murdered for demanding loan money. Here, after the death of the child, the relatives are in bad condition by crying. The whole village is shocked by the murder of the child in this way and mourning silence has spread.