A major accident took place on Monday during the Kalash Yatra in Sheikhpura, Bihar. It is being told that a grand Kalash Yatra was organized before the Yagya in Rasalpur village under Sadar block. The chariot was also included for the glory in the Kalash Yatra. During the journey, the trishul mounted on top of the chariot came in contact with the high-voltage wire. Eight people got electrocuted due to this. Out of this, three people died on the spot. Whereas, the other five people have been admitted to the hospital. After the incident, there is an atmosphere of mourning in the entire village.
Local people told that a big yagya was being organized in the village. A grand Kalash Yatra was taken out for this. 501 girls participated in this yatra. Kalash Yatra was to be toured across the village. During the excursion, a high capacity electric wire was hanging nearby. The one who came in contact with the Trishul mounted on the canopy of the chariot, due to which the people sitting on the chariot got electrocuted. In a hurry, Bhole Shankar (30), Viru Kumar (26) and Raju Kumar (25) were admitted to Sadar Hospital. Where the doctors declared him dead.
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The villagers informed the police about the incident. As soon as the information was received, the police force has reached the spot. Five other people were also injured in the incident of electrocution during the Kalash Yatra. He has also been admitted to the hospital for treatment. The Superintendent of Police in-charge said that after getting the information, the police showed activism and admitted everyone to the hospital. We are talking to the villagers regarding the incident. After the death of people due to current, there is anger and fear among the villagers. The situation in the village is under control.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWssHZasV28)