West Singhbhum, Ravi Kumar : Police has recovered the cane bomb planted by CPI Maoist Naxalites to harm the police. Due to which a major incident has been averted. This incident is of the forest near Tenda village under Karaikela police station area of Bandgaon block of West Singhbhum district. After recovering the bomb, the police destroyed it in the forest itself.
According to the information received in connection with the incident, the West Singhbhum district police had received secret information that Naxalites had planted three bombs to harm the police between Indrava and Tenda villages under Karaikela police station. The information was important, so the police, without delay, launched a search operation on Sunday morning with CRPF 60 Battalion and Karaikela police station. During the search operation, three cane bombs were planted by Naxalites between Indrava and Tendra villages under Karaikela police station.
In the search operation by the police, the soldiers of CRPF 60 battalion recovered the bomb and destroyed it in the forest itself. Due to which a major incident was averted before it happened. However, after this incident, panic has arisen in the area. Regarding the incident, SP of West Singhbhum district Ashutosh Shekhar said that the bomb was planted by Naxalites. In time the police recovered it and destroyed it in the forest itself.
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