The ATS will now investigate the murder of Sharat Kumar, an official of Ritvik company associated with coal mining on May 9 in Barkagaon, Hazaribagh. On the report of ADG Campaign Sanjay Anandrao Lathkar, DGP Ajay Kumar Singh has ordered in this regard on Wednesday. In a day or two, ATS will take over the case registered at Barkagaon police station and start the investigation.
Here, on Thursday, the Hazaribagh police has revealed in the case that the Aman Sav gang is involved in the Sharat Kumar murder case. After bringing Aman Sao on remand from Dumka Jail, the Hazaribagh police interrogated him, in which he confessed. It has also come to the fore that six people including Ramchandra Soni were arrested by the police for obstructing the work at Ritvik Company’s Chatti Bariatu coal transporting point.
Police is telling that Ramchandra Soni did a double cross. On the one hand, he executed the incident on the transporting side at the behest of company official GM L Bhaskar Singh. On the other hand, to scare Bhaskar, he fired at Sharat Kumar, the project co-ordinator of the company. Hazaribagh police has interrogated L Bhaskar Singh in the matter. But no action has been taken against him till now. Prabhat Khabar was the first to publish the issue of Aman Sav gang in the Sharat Kumar murder case in its May 17 issue.