Jharkhand Naxal News: Due to the 24-hour shutdown by Naxalites on Monday, its effect was seen in various areas of West Singhbhum. Apart from Chakradharpur, a widespread impact of the bandh was seen in Bandgaon, Sonua, Goilkera, Manoharpur, Guddi and Anandpur blocks of the sub-division. Long distance buses did not ply from Chakradharpur. Police patrolling was intensified regarding security arrangements in the subdivision. The jawans of other companies including District Police and CRPF remained ready. An attempt was also made to thwart the arrest by conducting a flag march by the jawans of the District Police and CRPF.
Enhanced security of railway stations
In view of the bandh in railway stations, security has been increased as a precautionary measure. RPF and GRP have intensified monitoring of railway tracks. All possible efforts have been made by the Railways for security regarding the closure. The police kept on patrolling throughout the day in Naxalite affected areas. There is no report of any untoward incident during the detention.
Bandgaon: Shops remained closed, operation of vehicles stalled
The arrest of Naxalites showed a wide impact in Bandgaon block. All the shops of Tebo, Bandgaon, Hesadih remained closed. Vehicular movement stopped. Roads remained deserted. In Karaikela, Hesadih, Bandgaon and Tebo Valley, the police remained fully prepared for the arrests. The Tebo Valley remained completely deserted.
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Banks and markets remained closed in Sonua
The widespread effect of the Naxalite arrest was seen in Sonua. Sonua’s roads remained deserted. Banks and markets remained closed. Vehicular movement stopped. Sonua kept patrolling the whole day with the police prisoner.
Unprecedented bandh in Goilkera, petrol pumps remained closed
Naxalite bandh in Goilkera police station area was unprecedented. Banks, petrol pumps, markets remained completely closed. Not a single shop opened. Government and non-government institutions remained closed. To deal with the prisoner, the Goilkera police kept patrolling all around with promptness.
Maoist shutdown in Anandapur remained effective
The bandh called by CPI Maoist was effective in Anandpur block. Shops remained closed in Bhaludungari, Narayan Tola, the main market of the block. Banks also remained closed. Due to the bandh, the operation of passenger and goods vehicles came to a standstill. Due to this the villagers faced a lot of trouble. The effect of the ban was also seen in the rural areas of the block.
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