A state in Eastern India: In Muzaffarpur’s Sakra block, the case of wrong operation in a private nursing home is continuing. A similar case has happened with Kailash Mahato, a resident of Sakra Wajid village. An MBBS doctor at his private nursing home near Sakra Thana Gumti, during hernia operation, stitched the intestine of 48-year-old Kailash Mahto, when he started feeling flatulence, he cut out both the hydrochials and asked for a second operation. When the matter came to light, the doctor closed the clinic and is absconding. After that the condition of the victim is critical.
Went to that doctor for cheap treatment
Giving information about this, the victim Kailash Mahato told that he was suffering from hernia disease. He got his treatment done at SKMCH. The doctor had advised operation. After that, a woman took him to a private nursing home of an MBBS doctor near Gumti Chowk police station by luring him to get the operation done at a low cost. The doctor deposited 20 thousand rupees from him. After that, on 10th April, the doctor operated for her hernia. During the operation, the doctor stitched his intestine. Due to which his stomach was full.
Namami Gange: In Muzaffarpur, 30 have encroached on the way of old Gandak, ultimatum to vacate in seven days
The victim has not yet filed a complaint in the police station
After that, when the condition worsened, he went to the doctor’s nursing home, then the doctor operated again and removed both the hydroshells. Telling the victim that he is fine, the doctor has closed the nursing home and fled. Here, when the situation continued to worsen, the victim informed the public representatives about the matter but no one helped her. As the situation continued to deteriorate, the family members admitted him to a private hospital in Muzaffarpur. The doctor has re-operated on him by telling about stitches in his intestine. Till now the victim has spent three lakh rupees by taking a loan. Although the victim has not yet filed a complaint in the police station.
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-FJbc7CvqU)