Bhagalpur: Just a few days back, a change in timings of 15 trains including Vikramshila, Garib Rath Express was announced. The date has been fixed for running the trains at the changed timings. In the past, the timings of 15 trains leaving from Bhagalpur and passing through this route were changed. The proposal to run it was approved by the Railway Board. Its date has been fixed. Between May 15 and 19, all 15 trains will run on changed timings. Timings of all 15 trains have been changed from five to 20 minutes.
Changes in the timings of these trains
Malda Town-Kiul Express
Malda Town – Delhi Farakka Express
Malda Town – Delhi Farakka Express
Bhagalpur-Ajmer Express
Bhagalpur-Danapur Intercity Express
Sahibganj-Danapur Intercity
Howrah-Gaya Express
Malda Town-Kiul Express
Bhagalpur-SMVT Bengaluru Express
Bhagalpur-Anand Vihar Terminal Garib Rath Express
Bhagalpur-Muzaffarpur Janseva Express
Bhagalpur-Anand Vihar Terminal Vikramshila Express
Banka-Rajendranagar Intercity
Godda-New Delhi Humsafar Express
Godda-Ranchi Express
Namami Gange: In Muzaffarpur, 30 have encroached on the way of old Gandak, ultimatum to vacate in seven days
New time table and date of opening of trains from originating station
Trains running from May 15 with changed timings
1. Train No. 13409 Malda Town-Kiul Express:
Current Time : 5.40 am
New opening time: 06.00 am
2. Train No. 13413 Malda Town-Delhi Farakka Express:
Current Time : 07.15 PM
New opening time: 07.35 pm
3. Train No. 13401 Bhagalpur-Danapur Intercity Express:
Current Time : 05.30 AM
New opening time: 05.40 am
4. Train No. 13235 Sahibganj-Danapur Intercity:
Current Time : 02.30 AM
New opening time: 02.45 a.m.
5. Train No. 13023 Howrah-Gaya Express:
Current Time : 07.50 PM
New opening time: 08.00 pm
6. Train number 13419 Bhagalpur-Muzaffarpur Janseva Express:
Current Time : 02.05 AM
New opening time: 02.10 a.m.
7. Train No. 12367 Bhagalpur-Anand Vihar Terminal Vikramshila Express:
Current Time : 11.50 am
New opening time: 12.00 noon
8. Train No. 13241 Banka-Rajendranagar Intercity:
Current Time : 08.50 AM
New opening time: 09.00 am
9. Train number 12349 Godda-New Delhi Humsafar Express:
Current Time : 12.45 PM
New opening time: 01.05 pm
Quacks in danger, both hydrosheals removed after hernia operation in Muzaffarpur, hospital closed, doctor absconding
Trains running after changing time from 16 May
10. Train No. 13483 Malda Town-Delhi Farakka Express:
Current Time : 07.15 PM
New opening time: 07.35 pm
11. Train No. 22405 Bhagalpur-Anand Vihar Terminal Garib Rath Express:
Current Time : 01.40 AM
New opening time: 01.55 am
Trains running from May 17 with changed timings
12. Train No. 12254 Bhagalpur-SMVT Bengaluru Ang Express:
Current Time : 01.40 AM
New opening time: 01.55 am
13. Train No. 18604 Godda-Ranchi Express:
Current Time : 12.45 PM
New opening time: 01.00 PM
Bihar: Farmer killed in Bhagalpur by calling him on the pretext of feeding him fish and rice
Time changed train from May 18
14. Train No. 13423 Bhagalpur-Ajmer Express:
Current Time : 01.10 AM
New opening time: 01.25 a.m.
train running from 19 may
15. Train No. 13429 Malda Town-Anand Vihar Terminal Express:
Current Time : 09.05 AM
New opening time: 09.20 am