The audacity of fearless criminals has been seen in Bihar’s Arrah. Criminals armed with weapons shot dead the husband of the chief who came to drink tea in Saraiya market on Sunday morning. The deceased has been identified as Munna Yadav, husband of West Gundi Panchayat head Amravati Devi. It is being told that the miscreants fired indiscriminately. When he tried to escape from the bullet, he chased Munna Yadav and then shot and fled. There is an atmosphere of tension in the area since the incident.
Incident captured in CCTV
After the incident, the local people informed the police about it. After this, the police team reached the spot in a hurry. The police took the dead body into custody and sent it for postmortem. It is being told that the video of the entire incident has been captured in a CCTV installed there. It can be seen in the video that Munna Yadav falls on the road. After this a criminal shoots him in the head. Then, another comes and shoots again in the head. The criminals shot Munna Yadav about half a dozen times. After executing the incident, the criminals ran away waving their weapons.
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Angry people blocked the road
Angry people have blocked the Ara-Saraiya main road, it is being told that he had left the house to settle the dispute in his panchayat, at the same time, taking advantage of the opportunity, the criminals carried out the murder. Munna Yadav also has a ballast sand shop. A local person told that Munna Yadav, the head of Babhangama Panchayat, had gone to Saraiya market on a motorcycle on Sunday morning. After drinking tea, they were about to leave for Panchayati, that’s why the criminals carried out the incident. On the other hand, after getting information about the incident, the police reached the spot and started investigating the matter.
(youtube arrah mukhiya pati ki hatya