As Joe Biden is exposed, shall Americans vote for him in 2024?

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Sohail Choudhury
  • Update Time : Saturday, May 13, 2023

While according to a poll which “found that nearly one-third of voters who chose Joe Biden were not aware of the evidence linking the former vice president to corrupt financial dealings with China and other nations through his son. Had they known, according to the survey, President Trump would have won at least 289 Electoral College votes”, as by now it has already been proved that Joe Biden was directly involved in his family’s financial crimes including money-laundering and his son’s laptop issue was no “Russian disinformation”, it is now a billion-dollar-question – shall American voters in 2024 cast their vote in favor of the most-corrupt and notorious Joe Biden?

In October 2020, near the end of the presidential election, Big Tech companies suppressed political scandals that could have swung the election. Those included New York Post reporting that implicated Hunter Biden and his father and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in allegedly corrupt foreign business deals. The Media Research Center released two damning reports about how Big Tech and Big Media censored massive scandals connected to the Bidens. Detailed polling indicated that if Big Tech and Big Media had not hidden the news from the public, a substantial percentage of Biden voters would have voted differently and altered the results of the election.

As part of their agenda of stealing the 2020 election, the left-wing news media did not just poison the information environment with their incessantly negative coverage of Donald Trump going into the 2020 election. They also refused to give airtime to important arguments of the Republican campaign – both pro-Trump and anti-Biden – which meant millions of voters in the US cast their ballots knowing only what the media permitted them to know about the candidates.

The New York Post, shortly before the election on October 15, 2020 had exposed Hunter Biden for reportedly having “pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company – including one that he said would be ‘interesting for me and my family’”. Twitter and Facebook reportedly took action on the New York Post bombshell report.

Commenting on Twitter censorship on report related to Hunter Biden, Breitbart news said: “Twitter has censored the distribution of a second New York Post story containing bombshell information about 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden – the latest piece reporting on how Hunter Biden’s emails reveal that he tried to cash in big on behalf of his family with a Chinese energy company”.

A book by a Politico reporter ultimately confirmed the authenticity of the laptop but only well after the propaganda damage had already been done in undermining Trump’s bid for re-election.

Officials at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were determined getting Joe Biden elected by suppressing information about his family’s notorious financial crimes.

Just the News reported: “An Oct. 18 email to former CIA senior intelligence officer Kristin Wood also included explicit mention of the statement’s partisan purpose. Morell stated that ‘I have control of the document. The more former intelligence officials the better. Campaign will be thrilled’”.

On page 28 of the report, a portion of the House investigators’ interview with Morell is reprinted in which he is asked: “Would you organize such a letter today knowing what you know now?”

Morell replies: “I would have to write it differently because we now know the emails are authentic, right? So you couldn’t say anymore we don’t know whether it’s information or disinformation. But I still have suspicions about a Russian role in these emails getting to The New York Post”.

From this particular case, it is evidently proved – American CIA has abetted Joe Biden in stealing the 2020 presidential election, where Antony Blinken has played important role. Meaning, members of Biden administration are liable for hiding notorious financial crimes of Joe Biden and his family members, which surely is a punishable crime. Now question is – who will punish Antony Blinken, CIA officials and the rogue rackets inside the US administration? If America truly pays value to rule of law, it should prove by putting Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and other members of the ‘Biden Crime family’ on dock to face criminal charges. But that may not happen, as America has now become a BANANA REPUBLIC.

Avatar photo Sohail Choudhury died on November 19, 2023. He has served as the Executive Editor of Blitz from the very first day of the newspaper until his sudden death.

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