Patna’s Khagaul artist Raman Chandravanshi and his associate artists Ravi, Ambareesh and Shashi together have prepared the picture of Baba Bageshwar Dham Pandit Dhirendra Shastri with thread. This picture is eight feet wide and eight feet tall. All these students are studying in the final year of sculpture department of Patna Art and Craft College. Raman says that he along with his team has completed the picture of this thread in six days. Baba Bageshwar is coming to Patna on 13th May. In such a situation, he had suggested to the organizing committee to present a picture made of thread, which has now been prepared with the help of the committee.
Dhirendra Shastri will hold a court from May 13 to 17 on the land of Lord Raghavendra in Taret village of Naubatpur. For about three hours, Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri will listen to the applications of the devotees in the court and give them his blessings. About three lakh people are expected to come to the court every day, preparations for their arrival are in the final stage. Stage and pandal have been prepared with German technology.
SDO Danapur Pradeep Kumar reached Taret to inspect the work place on Thursday regarding the program of Bageshwar Baba. Where the SDO expressed displeasure over the slow progress of the work. He directed the Secretary of Bageshwar Foundation, Rajasekhar, to speed up the work and execute it as soon as possible.
Pandal in 2 lakh square meters, vehicles for devotees, Bageshwar Baba Dhirendra Shastri’s court will be grand in Patna
SDO said that CCTV cameras, temporary toilets, tent city etc should be constructed by tomorrow. ASP Phulwarisharif Vikram Sihag told that more than three hundred policemen will be deployed. Traffic police will also be deployed in the traffic system. Total 12 points have been marked. Where the police will be present. A 4000 square feet platform for discourses and a two lakh square feet pandal for the devotees is being constructed.
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