Araria. Four people of the wedding procession, including the groom, have been abducted from the wedding hall on Thursday night. Groom Avinesh Kumar’s uncle Ramanand Vishwas has filed an application at the Mahalgaon police station, pleading for the release of all the abducted. It has been said in the application that due to bursting of crackers on Thursday night, there was a dispute between the bride and groom. The dispute increased so much that some people of the village kidnapped four people of the wedding procession including the groom. Mahalgaon police is engaged in investigation but till now no address has been found by Mahalgaon police.
Took the procession car with him
In relation to the incident, it is told that Avinesh Kumar of Tarauna village under Jalalgarh police station area of Purnia district had come to Pechali village under Mahalgaon OP of Jokihat block on Thursday night with a procession. There was a clash between the groom’s side and the bride’s side regarding the bursting of firecrackers. The matter increased so much that some youths of the village kidnapped the groom Avinesh Kumar, his father and four people on the force of arms, who had come to marry. The abducting youths also took the procession vehicle with them.
Jewelery and Rs 50,000 cash also taken
The groom’s uncle Ramanand Vishwas has given an application in the Mahalgaon police station, pleading for the release of all the abducted. It is written in the application that on Thursday night they had reached from Taruna village of Jalalgarh police station area to Pechaili village of Mahalgaon OP under Jokihat block area with a marriage procession. Due to bursting of crackers, there was a dispute between the bride and groom. During this, some youths of Baudail village abducted four people including groom Avinesh from a four-wheeler belonging to the procession party. Along with this, the jewelery and Rs 50,000 cash brought to the bride were also taken away.