India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio address “Mann Ki Baat” celebrated its 100th episode on April 30, 2023. The program has become a shining example of effective communication, where an outstanding orator uses mass media with the widest reach to address salient issues.
Radio is the most popular medium for the common man in India, and the All India Radio (AIR) home service reaches 99.19% of the total population of the country. According to the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report 2022, All India Radio is trusted by 72% of its respondents.
A Perfect Communication
In his addresses, PM Modi takes up subjects that touch individuals and society. Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently summarized “Mann Ki Baat” as a PERFECT communication: P (Peace), E (Empowerment), R (Reflective), F (Festive), E (Economic Development), C (Caring), and T (Thoughtful). In its 100 episodes, “Mann Ki Baat” has touched almost every sector, from Ladakh and Lakshadweep to the Northeast and Punjab, from farmers to science, from self-help groups to startups, and from cooperatives to space.
Social Campaigns
“Mann Ki Baat” has given rise to many social campaigns, including “Selfie with daughters,” which became a social media trend, leading to wider awareness of the protection and education of girl children. Similarly, campaigns such as Swachh Bharat, Fit India, Vocal for Local, and the promotion of cultural heritage have been included in the program. The inclusion of individuals and organizations has given a sense of inclusiveness to the show.
The Art of Communication
The PM has kept politics at bay in “Mann Ki Baat,” stating, “This radio program is not about politics but about people.” However, listeners would necessarily identify him with the party he leads. The art of communication lies in communicating the untold.
READ: Mann Ki Baat has given a form of celebration to positivity and public participation: PM Modi
A Social Revolution on Radio
“Mann Ki Baat” has slowly evolved beyond radio, spreading its messages to a wider audience. The program is now available on mobile phones, and one can not only listen but also watch it on social media, with appropriate visuals to engage the audience further. Modi himself appreciated the fact that even private TV channels show “Mann Ki Baat” without commercial breaks.
“Mann Ki Baat – A Social Revolution on Radio” is now available as a book based on 50 episodes of the program on All India Radio. With its reach and impact, “Mann Ki Baat” has become a powerful medium of communication in India, providing a platform for people to share their thoughts and ideas with the Prime Minister.