The value of Chinese bond market issuances exceeded one trillion dollars last March


Data released by the People’s Bank of China (the central bank) showed that the total bond issuances in China reached 7.27 trillion yuan (about 1.05 trillion US dollars) last March.
The Chinese news agency (Xinhua) reported that treasury bond issuances amounted to 806 billion yuan, while local government bond issues amounted to 890 billion yuan, according to the People’s Bank of China.
In March, financial bond issuances amounted to 1.26 trillion yuan, while corporate credit issuances totaled 1.72 trillion yuan.
The volume of issuances of securities backed by credit assets amounted to 37.41 billion yuan, while issuances of certificates of deposit between banks amounted to 2.51 trillion yuan.
Central bank data showed that by the end of last March, the value of outstanding bonds held amounted to 147.5 trillion yuan.


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