Russia warns of military mutiny against President Putin


Moscow, 30 April (HS). Russia’s Commander Igor Girkin has warned that the Wagner Group could stage a military coup against President Vladimir Putin. It is noteworthy that the Wagner Group operates the private army. Its head is Yevgeny Prigozhin. Yevgeny Prigozhin has once been close to Putin.

Army of Wagner Group is stationed in Bakhmut, Ukraine. Yevgeny alleges that Vladimir Putin is not helping his soldiers. So he can withdraw his troops from the Ukraine front. Russian commander Igor Girkin says that if Yevgeny withdraws his troops from the front without talking to the top leadership, it would be considered a military mutiny.

Russian commander Igor said that if Prigozhin withdraws his troops, it could prove disastrous for Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the well-known Wagner Group, is very popular among Russian fundamentalists. He is emerging as a powerful leader.


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