The seven CSJ magistrates, who were prohibited from resigning, can leave the system. The new CSE decision


The decision was approved, in the context in which the state authorities adjusted the regulatory framework with the necessary mechanisms for solving the difficulties related to the provisional filling of vacant judge positions at the supreme court and initiated the competition for filling, by temporary transfer, the vacant judge positions at the Supreme Court of Justice, announces the Government of the Republic of Moldova, after the meeting of the Commission for Exceptional Situations, on April 10.

We remind you that this crisis at the Supreme Court of Justice began with the resignation of several magistrates in February. Departures also followed in March, and with the approval of these resignations by the CSM, the activity of the Supreme Court of Justice was put in a situation close to a deadlock

Following these departures, the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE) noted the exceptional situation existing at the Supreme Court of Justice and decided to adopt a temporary extraordinary measure to suspend requests for the resignation of judges, for a period of 30 days, in order to ensure the functionality of the institution. The decision of the CSE entered into force on March 31, 2023. From that moment, seven judges who were going to leave their positions based on resignation requests had to stay. Even the magistrates who did not submit resignation requests did not have the right to leave, as long as the decision of the CSE is in force.

On Monday, April 10, the Superior Council of the Magistracy announced a competition for filling, by temporary transfer, 12 judge positions at the Supreme Court of Justice.

Thus, 12 judges from other courts in the country will be transferred to work temporarily at the SCJ, in order to avoid blocking the court’s activity. The contest will take place on May 3-4, 2023.


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