Women’s Empowerment Month at Moldcell


We decided to dedicate the month of March to empowering women at Moldcell. We strongly believe that both women and men have something to contribute to the sustainable development of the entire society. At Moldcell, we actually have a harmony and we have a diversity, and for this reason we set out to promote this culture of empowering women externally as well.

Author: Carolina Bugaian, general director of Moldcell

In March, Moldcell celebrated Women’s Empowerment Month by organizing a series of workshops and training sessions that focused on developing leadership skills, overcoming gender stereotypes and discrimination, and improving self-awareness.

The Empowering Women workshop focused on key elements of leadership, including the importance of influencing others and ourselves and the impact of limiting beliefs on personal and professional growth. The session also addressed specific obstacles that women in leadership positions may face and provided strategies to overcome them.

Another training session, “How to be strong in the face of stereotypes and gender-based discrimination”, explored the prevalence of gender-based violence in Moldova, social norms, stereotypes and principles of women’s empowerment. Participants had the opportunity to discuss hypothetical scenarios of gender inequality and identify potential solutions to address these issues.

In addition to these workshops, Moldcell organized a session on “Self-empowerment and development”, where employees learned how to identify their strengths and weaknesses, take control of their lives and develop a plan to- and achieve the goals.

The Women’s Empowerment Month culminated with a special event, CEO Talks “Empowerment Journey”, with Carolina Bugaian, general director of Moldcell. Carolina shared her inspirational story of hard work, dedication and perseverance, inspiring and motivating more women to follow their dreams and reach their full potential. The event was a great opportunity for both male and female guests in attendance to learn from the success story of one of today’s most inspirational businesswomen.

Advertisement We are glad that Moldcell is a model company in the field of women’s empowerment and their economic empowerment and not only. As the number 1 employer in the Republic of Moldova, we promote gender equality and encourage as many employers as possible to apply the same women empowerment policies and strategies.

Author: Irina Strajescu, Director of People and Communication Moldcell

Moldcell thus reconfirms its position as a top employer in Moldova and a leader in promoting gender equality and diversity in the workplace. Through its dedication to promoting gender equality and empowering women at work, Moldcell actively contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Moldova: SDG 5 – Gender equality, SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth and SDG 10 – Reducing inequalities .

By promoting an inclusive and responsible workplace for all its employees, the Moldcell company is an example to follow and contributes to the creation of a fairer and more sustainable society in Moldova.


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