Health: US health officials warned, this Indian eye drop can cause death or blindness


Drug-resistant bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, found in Chennai-based Azericare artificial tears, has caused panic in the US with three patient deaths, eight cases of blindness and dozens of infections, reported a news agency. However, Global Pharma Healthcare, the manufacturer of the eye drops, denies any infection. Now on this the US Food and Drug Administration has warned consumers not to use these eye-drops. The CDC is concerned that the infection may spread more rapidly in patients with weakened immune systems.

This medicine is becoming the cause of death and blindness

The CDC has traced the source of the bacteria to Chennai-based Azricare artificial tears made by Global Pharma Healthcare. US health officials have warned that the bacteria can cause death and blindness. The US Food and Drug Administration has recalled the drug, and now the CDC is concerned that the bacteria could spread to other patients.


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