Hindus in India have been facing synchronized attacks by Muslims. The latest incident took place last week during celebration of Ram Navami. Most alarming fact here is, prior to the celebration, Mamata Banerjee, Islamist-inclined chief minister of West Bengal state in India went to bat for radical Muslims, warning Hindus to avoid celebration in “Muslim-dominated areas”. She said, “I want to request those who are carrying out the Ram Navami procession, please do, but do it peacefully. Kindly avoid Muslim areas as Ramzan is going on. Celebrate peacefully but don’t try to create violence”. Following this instigative statement of the chief minister, Hindu rallies came under violent attacks as they passed through the Muslim-dominated areas of Howrah in West Bengal. While law and order in the state was in tatters, leaders and members of the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) remained inactive in saving Hindus from such gruesome attacks. Instead, Mamata Banerjee absolved the Muslims of any responsibility for the violence, stating that Muslims do not do any wrong during Ramadan. She even went on to accuse the Ram Navami rally participants of being unruly during the procession, and claimed that they “chose an unauthorized route to provoke a community”.
It may be mentioned here that, Muslims in India at will occupy public roads, railway stations and parks to perform namaz (Muslim prayers) in large numbers, thus obstructing movement of traffic and people. But they do not tolerate Hindus carrying out their religious processions through the same streets, which were built by the Indian government with the tax money paid mainly by the Hindus. Unfortunately, in India, Hindus repeatedly and routinely face attacks by bands of Muslims, while authorities remain inactive in protecting the Hindus. In some of the states in India, especially West Bengal, government bodies jump to defend the Muslims before and after their pre-planned attacks on Hindus.
Commenting on such disturbing scenario, journalist Ashlyn Davis said, “This is interesting, because while the Indian constitution recognizes the country as a secular state, a leader holding a public office identifies some areas within her purview as exclusive to Muslims. Are Hindus not allowed to own property, residences or businesses in those “Muslim areas”? Or should the Hindus in those areas refrain from practicing their constitutional right of “freedom to religion” and concede to Islamic intolerance?
“Every year and during every Hindu festival, some Indian Muslims gather to hurl stones at them and carry out targeted attacks. Their standard excuse to justify these violent attacks is that the Hindus were carrying out their processions in front of a mosque. India is home to one of the world’s largest Muslim populations and has a mosque on almost every street corner. There are mosques erected on the ruins of Hindu temples, and then there are mosques constructed on government land, which have been deemed illegal by the courts. Where should a Hindu group carry out their processions without offending the frail religious sentiments of these rabid believers?”
In a report, Indian Express said, in 2018 a Muslim female named Rehana Fathima in Kerala state in India had barged into the restricted premises of the Hindu pilgrim Subrimala. According to Hindu Post report, in 2023, a Muslim civil servant, Reshma Lakhani misused her power and entered another important Hindu site called Puri Jagannath Temple. In between those two incidents, there have been numerous instances of Muslims trespassing on Hindu temples with weapons or ulterior motives.
A conglomerate of leftist and Islamist apologists defends all such deplorable activities as the right of these individuals as Indian citizens to stand and walk on any inch of Indian soil. But the same vicious conglomerate won’t tolerate Hindu processions taking a road on which there is a mosque. Instead, Muslims and Islamic apologists also claim that the Hindus play music during these processions, justifying the violence all the more.
Commenting on Muslim mosques broadcasting Islamic prayers five times a day through blaring loudspeakers in mosques, Ashlyn Davis said, “These screaming loudspeakers compel non-Muslims to listen to Islamic prayer declaring “that there is no god but Allah” when they are sleeping, working, studying or relaxing. Quite aside from the Hindus, you could be a Jesus-loving Christian, but you must tolerate being schooled five times daily that your God is false and only the Islamic God is true. You cannot object, because doing so would render you “intolerant” and “genocidal” toward Muslims, as Ilhan Omar cunningly and viciously put it recently”.