The competition for the head of ANI: The difference makes it half a point


In the decision of the competition organizing committee, it is mentioned that Lilian Chișca accumulated 131.5 points, and Alexandru Stavinschi – 131.

The decision of the competition organizing committee


Candidates will have the right to contest the decision, within two days from the date of its publication on the official website of ANI, and after the expiration of the term for contesting the interview sample, the Commission will adopt a Decision regarding the final score obtained by each candidate, it is stated in the institution’s press release.

It should be noted that, according to point 64 of the Regulations for conducting the competition for the position of president of the National Integrity Authority: “The interview will be audio and video recorded by the Authority’s secretariat and will be published on the Authority’s website after the validation of the results of the competition “.

We remind you that, in the last period, Lilian Chișca secured simultaneously both the mandate of vice president of the National Integrity Authority and that of the position of president of the authority.

We specify that the position of head of the National Integrity Authority remained vacant, after the former president, Rodica Antoci, was suspended from office in March 2022, after being heard and recognized as a suspect in a criminal case.


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