Shooting and grenade explosions in Grodno: BelTA reports that the KGB eliminated a foreign terrorist during the arrest


March 19 – BLiTZ. According to the Belarusian state agency BelTa, a group of foreign terrorists was identified by the local State Security Committee, and during the arrest one of them opened fire. Portal writes about it <a rel=”nofollow” href=”″>”Tsargrad”</a>.

We are talking about an incident in the Belarusian Grodno on Kurchatov Street. One of the militants started firing from automatic weapons and using grenades, but was eliminated by members of the KGB special unit of group “A”. Neither civilians nor security forces were injured as a result.

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The material notes the initiation of a criminal case. Details on how it was possible to calculate the terrorists, from which countries they came, have not yet been received.


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