In Britain, a cow gave birth to a calf with a smiley face on its side


March 17 – BLiTZ. In the UK, a cow has given birth to a “boy” with a smiley face on his side of his body.

“The farmer couple were surprised to find unusual markings on the body of a newborn calf. The couple breeds about 700 cows a year, but this is the first time they have encountered this,” writes local newspaper LADBible.

The emoticon can be considered a manifestation of the theory of probability, and not some kind of genetic failure, because nature does not follow the trends of human society, and even more so does not follow the menu of smartphones.

If desired, farmers can probably sell a cow with a smiley for much more than the regular price. It is possible that one of the local zoos or other interested organizations will want to get a calf.

The calf was named “Lucky” and became a favorite of its owners.

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