How to properly pack a backpack for a hike


February 27, 2023, 18:48 – BLiTZ – News

Properly assembled hiking items in a backpack are the key to a comfortable hiking trip. The public news service has figured out how to properly pack things in a backpack.

When packing things, it is important to pay attention not only to the weight and dimensions of the backpack, but also to the comfort of movement. So, an improperly laid bucket can bury the handle in the tourist’s back and cause discomfort during the trip. The collection process consists of several stages.

Collecting things

When hiking, choose only the essentials and remember that anything like your favorite pillow will only increase the load on your back. The specific list of things depends on the specifics of the trip, but in any case, it is important to give preference to light but reliable designs. Here are a few tips on what to pack for your hike:

Take a light and compact sleeping bag with you, rather than a bulky blanket or a fluffy blanket. Take things out of the package and put them in a bag. For example, for a one-day trip, it makes no sense to carry a whole pack of tea, a few bags are enough. Do not take whole bottles of personal care products. Pour them into miniature bottles. Cut off the handle of the toothbrush and part of the head to free up space in your backpack.

Weight distribution

Lay out all the things prepared for the trip in the room and start sorting by weight into several piles:

light: sleeping bag, light clothing, some fabric accessories; medium: bulkier clothes, some groceries, first aid kit; heavy: heavy food, dishes, water, equipment, lighting fixtures.

Combining things

Now try to combine some categories of things if possible. All small items that are usually used at the same time are recommended to be packed together, that is, soap, a toothbrush and a towel should be put in one bag, and canned food and a pack of cookies can be put in a cooking pot.

Laying scheme

When packing previously collected things, follow these rules:

Put the heaviest items at the bottom of the backpack towards your back so that the heaviest items are in the center between the shoulder blades. Place medium weight items around heavy items. Lungs – in free space. This method will help keep your back healthy. Stow essential items on top or in separate sections of the backpack, regardless of their weight. Usually this is a flashlight, navigator, map, first aid kit. Attach some things outside. Tourists usually attach tent poles to the backpack. There is always room for water on the side of backpacks. The heavier the thing, the higher it should be fixed. Make sure in advance that the assembled backpack is not too heavy. If your eyes suddenly get dark from the weight, you should repack things more evenly or lighten the backpack. Photo:

How to lighten the weight of a backpack

If the weight of the backpack turned out to be too heavy, then it makes sense to review its contents and make sure once again that all the collected things are really needed. Consider the following factors:

For a team hike, only one knife, ice drill and other tools are required, so one tourist can carry such items. Some things can be made multifunctional. For example, a seat can be used as a kan cover, cutting board, backpack frame element, etc. Change of clothes adds both weight and dimensions, so it is more convenient to wash things while hiking. For example, in the mountains they dry quickly even in bad weather. You can weigh everything on the scales. For example, a pair of woolen socks and a pair of chuni weigh 100 g each. However, chuni are much warmer and smaller in size, so they should be taken on a hike.


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