Experts called the factors that increase the risk of developing oncology


February 25, 2023, 16:53 – BLiTZ – News Specialists in the field of cancer research and oncologist Jamilya Magomedova spoke about the reasons for the increased risk of developing cancer. It is reported by “Sport-Express”.

According to the source, the risk of getting cancer increases with age.

Experts note that hormones also affect the likelihood of a dangerous disease. So, the material reports that the hormone estrogen plays an important physiological role for women, but hormone therapy during menopause can increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 23%.

Among other things, although heredity can also increase the risk of developing cancer, lifestyle and adverse environmental factors play a much greater role in this matter. Experts advised to reduce the consumption of alcohol, fried and smoked meat, fast food and rich products, since these products contain carcinogens.

Also on the air of the BLiTZ, an epidemiologist, doctor of medical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Onishchenko told whether the Russians are threatened by the return of the coronavirus, what the flu and SARS epidemic is dangerous for, and how to protect your immunity during the off-season and holidays. For more on this, see the BLiTZ article.


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