Political scientist Nikulin called the United States the beneficiary of any conflict in Europe


Political scientist Igor Nikulin commented on the speech of US President Joe Biden during a speech in Warsaw. America is the main beneficiary of any conflict in Europe, the expert said in a conversation with Izvestia on February 21.

“It was in the first and second world war. And now they (USA. – Ed.) are trying to solve their internal problems at the expense of others. This is a proven method for them, too,” the political scientist said.

According to Nikulin, the same thing is happening now as in 1995, when Yugoslavia was bombed and the euro cost 80 cents. Now the euro is depreciating, the Europeans have problems, and America is beginning to steal resources, technology and introduce its own production. At the same time, Ukraine plays the role of a very convenient springboard, the expert says.

“What’s so amazing about that? Biden offered to bomb Serbia, Hillary Clinton – Libya. This is their bestial grin of American imperialism, it has not gone anywhere, ”Nikulin pointed out.

The political scientist also noted that former US President Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, although he unleashed more wars than George Bush Jr. and Sr. combined.

“Biden is a war criminal, that was clear. He was behind all the events in Ukraine, starting with the Maidan, ”the interlocutor of the publication emphasized.

The American leader on February 21, during a speech in Warsaw, said that the United States and EU countries do not seek to control or destroy Russia. At the same time, a day earlier, Biden in Kyiv announced the allocation of another package of military “aid” to Ukraine, and, as the American media themselves noted, more and more often the weapons intended for Kiev are offensive, not defensive.

At the same time, he added that Washington will announce new sanctions against Moscow this week.

Western states have stepped up sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation against the backdrop of a special operation to protect the population of Donbass. The decision to start it was made by the President of the Russian Federation against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to Ukrainian shelling.


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