Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki announced negotiations with the United States to increase the military presence


February 19, 2023, 21:09 – BLiTZ – News

Washington and Warsaw are negotiating on the topic of increasing the presence of the United States Armed Forces on the territory of the state. The head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, shared this information. The United States and Poland are discussing the possibility of increasing the American military presence in the republic.

He was asked a question as to whether the American side plans to introduce into the states the units previously requested by Warsaw. In the course of communication with the CBS television company, he noted that a dialogue is underway with the White House on this topic.

“But I am also very grateful for sending systems [противовоздушной обороны] Patriot and other very modern systems and ammunition, ”said the politician. From the point of view presented by him, it follows that these shipments can be organized along with an increase in the number of American military personnel on the territory of the state.

Recall that the Polish leader Andrzej Duda pointed to the fact that he hopes to achieve open borders with Kiev. From the point of view presented by him, it follows that after achieving this goal, he hopes to achieve similar agreements with Minsk.

He pointed to the fact that Warsaw has no claims against these powers and hopes that it will be able to maintain a normal level of relations. Read more about this in the material of the BLiTZ.


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