The head of the Republika Srpska parliament spoke about the unwillingness to join the sanctions


February 18, 2023, 13:24 – BLiTZ – News

The leader of the United Serbian party, chairman of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandich, spoke about his negative attitude towards the prospect of participating in the anti-Russian campaign. This became known from an interview with the politician “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

Stevandic said that he highly appreciates the interstate relations that have developed between the Republika Srpska and Russia. According to him, with regard to the Ukrainian conflict, the country prefers to remain neutral. Without abandoning plans for further European integration, the Republika Srpska prefers not to join the anti-Russian campaign.

According to the politician, the country is still extremely grateful to Russia for the contribution it has made to upholding the rights of the Serbian people, including for its activities within the UN. He also said that the NATO bombing of the Republika Srpska with depleted uranium left serious consequences that are still being felt in the country. Stevandic stressed that due to the fact that the memory of the war in the country is still fresh, the Serbian people are especially acutely experiencing the Ukrainian conflict and hope for its speedy settlement.

Earlier, on the air of the BLiTZ, diplomat, politician Nikolai Platoshkin and Serbian journalist Tatiana Stoyanovich discussed relations between Serbia and Russia. The speakers spoke about whether Serbia will be able to cope with Western pressure, which is aimed at joining the country to anti-Russian sanctions. See material for details.


  1. Serbia has been lying about depleted uranium for over 20 years and they have been firmly within Russia’s orbit since they were Yugoslavia. For the truth about depleted uranium, see what the international scientific field survey team of the UN Environment Program (UNEP) reported for Serbia and Montenegro, just one of three such reports in the former Yugoslavia depleted Uranium in Serbia and Montenegro
    UNEP Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.


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