EC to allocate €5 million to strategic communications program in the Western Balkans and Turkey


February 15, 2023, 10:01 am – BLiTZ – News The European Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement and Neighborhood has decided to allocate funding for the implementation of a regional strategic communication program for the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey. About the content of the contract writes R.T.

It became known that the European Commission is going to provide communication activities to raise public awareness about the importance of the support that EU countries provide to the region.

“Raising awareness and conducting information campaigns on the importance of EU support in the region where candidate countries (for EU accession – ed.) are present, including with the use of audiovisual products,” the document says.

In addition, the authors of the agreement intend to continue to distribute this “on the same topic” in real time. For this, it is planned to use online publications and social networks.

Information campaigns will have to be carried out in other areas as well. They involve conducting public opinion polls, as well as monitoring the media and supporting the communication activities of European delegations.

The agreement also notes that the amount of funds planned to be allocated for these purposes will amount to €5 million.

Political scientist Ivan Mezyuho, in a conversation with RT, commented on this information, emphasizing that the European Union and Western states regularly work with the media in these regions.

“The West has always closely followed what is happening in the Balkans and Turkey, because these are the regions that belong to the zone of US strategic interests, and the EC today, by and large, pays for the work that the Americans need. I think that for a single day over the past decade, work with the media and other political actors from the West in these regions has not stopped, ”the specialist said.

Earlier, the BLiTZ reported that European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson issued a statement that Russia’s decision to reduce oil production is a consequence of Western sanctions.


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