White House sees no sign of UFO activity


The US administration does not record signs of any alien activity in the situation with three unidentified flying objects shot down in recent days in North America. This was announced on February 13 at a briefing by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

“I want to make sure you hear this from the White House. There were questions and concerns about this, but no, I want to repeat this, there is no sign of alien or extraterrestrial activity in the situation around the cases that resulted in shooting down [летательные аппараты]”, – said the representative of the American administration.

The press secretary of the White House stressed that this statement was made against the backdrop of numerous rumors about the alleged appearance of UFOs in the sky over the United States.

Earlier in the day, the head of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, after reports of UFO balloons, used a joke to explain the origin of aircraft in the skies over the United States. The entrepreneur announced the visit of his “alien friends” and urged the public not to worry.

For three days in a row, air objects have been spotted in the sky on the US-Canada border.

On February 11, an unidentified object was spotted in the airspace over Canada. The armed forces of Canada and the United States shot down an aerial target over the Yukon Territory in the northwest of the country. The soldiers removed the wreckage of the device for further study.

On February 12, the Pentagon spotted an unidentified object over the waters of Lake Huron. After that, the US military also shot down an air object.

On February 10, the US military spotted a balloon in the airspace over Alaska, after which they shot down the aircraft.

The head of the North American Joint Aerospace Defense Command, Glen van Herck, during a briefing on February 12, said that it was possible that the downed objects in the airspace over the United States could be of extraterrestrial origin. According to him, the military was unable to determine how the last three objects were kept in the air, as well as how they were set in motion or where they flew from.


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