The expert spoke about the significance of the destroyed tank factory in Kharkov


Disabling the rear military infrastructure of Ukraine may affect the number of combat-ready equipment at the front and the combat capabilities of Ukrainian armed formations, military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. This is how he commented on the missile strikes inflicted on Ukraine on February 10-12, in particular, the defeat of the shops of the Zavod im. Malyshev” in Kharkov.

“Disabling military infrastructure is the number one task. Ukraine cannot produce equipment now, but it is trying to repair it, restore it at repair enterprises. The same “Plant them. Malyshev” is a huge production. We are trying to find these objects and destroy them so that they have to drag equipment to the West for repairs, ”the expert explained.

On February 12, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that as a result of a high-precision missile strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the city of Kharkov, the armored vehicle assembly workshops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit on the territory of the machine-building Plant named after. Malysheva.

In addition, the military department told the details of the massive strike that was inflicted on February 10 across the country. During it, critically important energy facilities that ensure the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the transport system of Ukraine were hit.

During the strikes, the transfer of foreign weapons, ammunition and reserves by rail to the areas of hostilities was blocked, the Russian Defense Ministry noted.

Read more in the Izvestia article:

Knock down: strikes on energy facilities stop Ukrainian military-industrial complex plants


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