Nutritionist Strokov warned about the dangers of eating bananas on an empty stomach


February 12, 2023, 08:19 – BLiTZ – News Bananas are one of the most important food crops in the world. They prevent strokes and hypertension, help the body control weight and support the immune system.

Bananas are often eaten in the morning as they don’t need to be cooked and can be eaten on the go. This fruit has beneficial properties and gives a person cheerfulness. But, nutritionists say that bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

Nutritionist Igor Strokov believes that bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach. The Medic Forum reported this on its website. The doctor added that bananas contain minerals, vitamins and fiber, which are very useful. “However, eating this fruit on an empty stomach can lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body,” he said.

The doctor believes that bananas are the perfect breakfast, but at the same time they can be unhealthy. At the same time, Strokow argues that potassium and magnesium can affect the acidity of the blood, and this can lead to an increase in alkalinity. Often after the “abuse” of bananas, there is discomfort in the stomach, skin rashes and other unpleasant consequences.

Somnologist Sofia Cherkasova told what interferes with healthy sleep. According to her, these are caffeinated products, liquor or spicy foods. Read more about this in the BLiTZ article.


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