Stern action needs to be taken against local cohorts of ‘Nagorik TV’


While intelligence agencies in Bangladesh have already identified 15 cyberterrorists who are running vile propaganda targeting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, family members of Bangabandhu several civil-military officials, and esteemed patriotic individuals in the country, finally several cohorts of ‘Nagorik TV’ Facebook page as well as Interpol-wanted convicted terrorist Shahid Uddin Khan, notorious criminal Zulkarnain Saer Sami, as well as extortionist ‘Nagorik TV’ have started openly promoting these anti-Bangladesh cyberterrorists on social media and has been expressing solidarity with ‘Nagorik TV’, Shahid Uddin Khan and other cyberterrorists.

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Fresher allegations of extortion against ‘Nagorik TV’

A vernacular news portal named SUNBD24 in a report claimed that Al Qaeda linked Tito Rahman and criminal Nazmus Saquid, who runs a Facebook page and YouTube channel named ‘Nagorik TV’ are spreading rumor targeting large investors in Bangladesh’s capital market as well as business conglomerates with the notorious goal of extortions. Sitting in Canada and the United States, jobless Tito and Nazmus are using their ‘Nagorik TV’ as a weapon of blackmailing, extortion and criminal activities, while there is specific allegations against these culprits of running anti-Semitic contents.

Recently, Al Qaeda-linked Tito Rahman and criminal Nazmus Saquib targeted internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist and editor of Blitz, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury for the “crimes” of confronting militancy, denouncing anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Behind this notoriety Interpol-wanted terror funder and convicted fugitive Shahid Uddin Khan is playing key role and funding such illegal activities. Shahid Uddin Khan’s relatives in Bangladesh are directly collaborating with anti-state ‘Nagorik TV’ and openly promoting this notorious Facebook page and YouTube channel, although such activities are not only a serious crime, it also is tantamount to directly challenging Bangladesh and ruling Awami League.

Also read ‘Nagorik TV’ uses Canadian-US soils for criminal activities

It is further learnt that sitting in Dhaka, these relatives of Shahid Uddin Khan are also collaborating with ‘Nagorik TV’ in working a handler for collecting extortion money and later sending its to Canada and the United States through illegal hundi channels.

In its report, SUNBD24 said, extortionist Facebook page ‘Nagorik TV’ is now targeting large investors in country’s capital market. On October 20, 2022 it has published a defamatory sketch of Professor Shibli Rubaiyat-ul-Islam, Chairman of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), as criminal bids of Tito Rahman and Nazmus Squib had failed in receiving extortion of Professor Islam.

SUNBD24 further said, ‘Nagorik TV’ crime racket with connivance of its cohorts in Bangladesh is making frantic bids of destabilizing the capital market through spreading rumors.

While patriotic forces are demanding immediately actions against the local cohorts of ‘Nagorik TV’ extortion machine, country’s law enforcement agencies are showing surprising reluctance in nabbing the local cohorts of this notorious anti-Bangladesh gang.

Prime patrons of ‘Nagorik TV’ exposed

While Interpol-wanted convicted terrorist Shahid Uddin Khan is promoting contents of ‘Nagorik TV’ extortion racket through fake IDs on Facebook, another cyberterrorist Zulkarnain Saer Khan Sami is openly promoting its contents through his Facebook profile. It may be mentioned here that, being deported from Hungary on allegations of his active involvement in criminal activities, including money-laundering and connections with transnational drug-trafficking cartel, Sami sought political asylum in the United Kingdom through false claim of being a “political victim”.

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It may be mentioned here that one of many fake IDs of Interpol-wanted convicted criminal Shahid Uddin Khan is “Emrone Aayham”, which are being used by this notorious culprit in spreading his vile propaganda against Bangladesh. Shahid Uddin Khan is mainlining dozens of such fake IDs on Facebook.

Country’s law enforcement agencies need to immediately take action against the local cohorts of Shahid Uddin Khan and ‘Nagorik TV’.



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