Global media overlooks Palestinian child abuse, incest, rape and slave labor

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Peter Baum
  • Update Time : Friday, April 29, 2022

Palestinian girls identified that eight per cent had been raped by their brothers and five percent raped by their fathers. Rapes by both brother and father on the same child could not be statistically proven nor were unreported cases of incest recorded in the paper.

Divorcing oneself from personal emotion when researching the subject of child abuse is extremely difficult but is an absolute necessity in order to articulate the facts with impartiality, understand the causes, provide reasoned commentary and expose those responsible in an effort to obtain justice for the victims.

Society, the political elite and mainstream media across generations and geographies have inexplicably ignored and continue to ignore those children subjected to mental, physical and sexual abuse and allowed the perpetrators to go unpunished. Mainstream media has by their silence facilitated child abuse as silence is undoubtedly assent.

There are many historical and recent examples we can refer to of similar media inertia such as the children in Ireland, pre and post war, abused by priests, abused in orphanages, by politicians and parents over decades.

BBC hides sexual crimes committed by Pakistani immigrants

These atrocities went unreported, were totally ignored and nauseatingly the abused children were vilified by Irish society. A simple google search identifies numerous incidents that were part of the daily norms. Perversity and child cruelty were routine in Ireland and it is only very recently that the domestic media have put their previous cowardice and inertia behind them by exposing past atrocities. The victims received no justice nor relief, experienced years of trauma and the perpetrators are now dead.

Similarly, and more recently the media for decades left unreported the children abused by some of the BBC’s high-profile entertainers. This respected’ British organization shamefully ignored what was happening despite having the general knowledge. To their eternal discredit the BBC management and reporters totally ignored the issue while hundreds of children suffered.

Exacerbating the BBC’s cowardice, bias and professional incompetence was the non-reporting on the sexual abuse experienced by children in the North of England perpetrated by Pakistani Muslim men on underage white girls.

Their cries for help were typically ignored by those in authority, the BBC and mainstream media. Even when finally exposed the BBC continued to play down the story even after scores of Pakistani men had been convicted of the most nauseating pedophilia imaginable, grooming and abusing on an industrial scale.

The media have knowingly facilitated child abuse through incompetence, inertia but most of all in a biased agenda designed so as not to embarrass those who are the perpetrators. And the victims be damned.

Children brought up in poverty in Ireland were expendable and fair game for the sexual idiosyncrasies of priests, perverts, politicians and parents. And the Irish press and police being compliant and cowardly were never going to assist the child victims many of whom latterly took their own lives. Moral indecency, historically is part of Ireland’s DNA.  

The BBC, supposedly the most respected media organization globally, ignored what was happening for years to children by their employees. Even when the victims finally exposed the atrocities committed on them the BBC avoided a thorough investigation that would have identified the management responsible for the cover up. In common with the Republic of Ireland, moral indecency was and still is ingrained in the BBC’s DNA.

Sexual abuse on children in English Northern towns and cities by Pakistani men had been ongoing for years, had been reported to press, police and politicians and yet continuously ignored. The threat of Islamophobia was a threat deemed too sensitive by authorities to investigate thus allowing such abuse to continue unchecked and hundreds, yes hundreds of young lives ruined. How could the mainstream media continue to ignore a scandal of such major importance? Had the media done their job instead of acting like the cowards, they and the BBC were and still are, then the number of acts of pedophilia would have been drastically reduced, potential victims saved and pedophiles punished much earlier. Moral indecency not only runs through the veins of the British Pakistani pedophiles but also through the DNA of the mainstream media.

Thousands of Palestinian girl victims of incest sex, children of pedophile

All these events can be sourced and fact checked by interested parties as I have done prior to writing this article and research into the plight of Palestinian children follows a similar pattern. The cruelty experienced by Palestinian children from their leaders and parents is sickening and despite saturation media reporting on the Israel Palestinian issue, Palestinian pedophilia and child cruelty in the form of slave labor has been totally ignored by a cowardly and compliant mainstream media. When have any audience been subjected to a report by the BBC or CNN on this subject? Never – they are silent and let me repeat, silence is assent.

Let me elaborate. A report by the Institute for Palestine Studies in 2012 interviewing Palestinian leaders, estimated a huge number of child deaths during tunnel construction under slave labor conditions. The study cited.

“At least 160 children have been killed in the tunnels according to Hamas officials”.

Hamas realized the public relations faux pas they had admitted and to this day their leaders have never again spoken on this issue and mainstream media have acquiesced to the wishes of the Hamas child abusers.

Astoundingly no mainstream media channel, daily covering the Israel Palestinian issue by a variety of reporters, journalists, cameramen and crew have ever reported on this subject. The BBC and CNN during multiple daily reports from the area completely failed to cover this story. What is even more remarkable is that tunnel construction since the report was published has continued unabated as Israel’s security forces have discovered newly built tunnels. My sources confirm that at least three hundred more Palestinian children have died since the 2012 report and yet mainstream media continue to ignore this child cruelty. Their silence is assent.

Compare this with the coverage the BBC devoted to Ahed Tamimi, a teenager who staged an assault on an Israeli soldier in front of a number of foreign reporters and was subsequently jailed. The BBC ran this story every day for approximately six months. When I complained to the BBC about this, I was banned from their complaints procedure system for over complaining.

From the above comparable subjects one can establish the bias of mainstream media concerning the Israel Palestinian issue. A child slapping an Israeli soldier and charged is given sympathetic saturation media coverage for months but in the same location child cruelty resulting in hundreds of deaths by forced slave labor is totally ignored.

The moral indecency of mainstream media and especially the BBC is not open to debate – it is a fact. Moral indecency is part of the BBC’s DNA. Confirming the Palestinian practice and historical commonality of child cruelty was a recent study conducted within the Palestinian territories which again as per the tunnel deaths received no media attention.

A 2020 BMC Public Health Report which diligently abided by the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) parameters, concluded that over one in three Palestinian children were abused by their parents. This statistic by any comparable standard within any group in any geography is off the scale. Interestingly the report notes that the political situation though a driver of poverty, was not a factor in the systemic abuse of Palestinian children by their parents.

Further investigation identified a previous research paper dated November 1999 from Al- Quds University titled Sexual Abuse In Palestinian Children and the findings are truly nauseating. The authors alluding to a 1997 study and their own investigations concluded that reported cases of consistent incest of Palestinian girls identified that eight per cent had been raped by their brothers and five percent raped by their fathers. Rapes by both brother and father on the same child could not be statistically proven nor were unreported cases of incest recorded in the paper. Reasonable estimates would suggest that dual incestual rape would occur in at least half the cases and unrecorded incestual rape would be estimated to be a multiple of up to three times the identified statistic. Incest on boys was not part of this particular research but is estimated to be forty percent of that inflicted on girls.  Paradoxically but consistent one supposes for such a dystopian society are the punishments meted out, not on the perpetrators but on the victims, who may be killed in the event of a pregnancy by incest or and I cite word for word:

“….the family may arrange marriage of the child to an old, a handicapped or retarded man”.

How is it possible that the subject concerning hundreds of Palestinian children killed by forced, slave labor and the thousands of Palestinian children subject to pedophilia has remained unreported. In a geography inundated with journalists and saturation daily news coverage, the atrocities on children perpetrated by Palestinian adults is totally ignored. Silence is assent.

Palestinian society is beyond the depths of human depravity and Palestinian children live in constant fear, not from the Jewish people whom they are indoctrinated to hate but from their fathers, brothers and uncles and political and religious leaders. Charities, NGO’s, the United Nations, UNWRA, Palestinian male culture and a media too sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, allows these atrocities committed on young children by human excrement to continue with impunity.

These horrific incidents have never formed part of any piece of investigative journalism by any mainstream media organization even though such news outlets have been living, breathing and associating with Palestinians for at least seven decades.

And the agenda, the pattern and the way the mainstream media continues to mock their audience is clearly exposed in the examples given in this article. Whether its state organized pedophilia in the Republic of Ireland; whether its internalized pedophilia within the BBC; whether its cultural pedophilia undertaken by British Asian Pakistani men or whether by Palestinians on their children, mainstream media will never investigate nor report because it does not suit their ideology and ultimately challenges their bias.

Palestinians have never respected nor loved their children as we witness daily in their education curriculum indoctrinating the children to hate others as per their Charters. We witness Palestinian terrorists using their own children as human shields like the cowards they are which has been further confirmed by their nauseating exponential sexual perversions perpetrated on their children.

As Golda Meir stated:

“We can forgive the Palestinians for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”.

Unfortunately, moral indecency runs through the veins of Palestinian culture and they hate their children. Mainstream media refuses to report on this major subject. I repeat, their silence is assent.

Avatar photo Peter Baum, Editor (International Political Affairs) to Blitz is a research-scholar, who writes extensively on Israel, Holocaust, Zionism, Middle East, Anti-Semitism, and other issues. Peter Baum has worked for four decades in the International Financial Markets specializing in the Capital Market. He held directorships at large International Financial Institutions and ended career as consultant to an Investment Management company. Baum is a member of the Institute of Directors. He has worked extensively abroad in the Asia, Africa, the USA and Europe and after retirement spends his time as a political researcher, activists and columnist. In addition to his engagement with Blitz, Peter Baum has also been writing for the Gatestone Institute, Conservative Woman and Decisive Liberty and has appeared numerous times on TV and radio mainly talking about Israel and the Middle East.

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