Supporters of ‘Palestinians’ are helping fulfilment of Nazi objectives


Those who support the ‘Palestinians’ are supporting political parties formed in the mid 1960’s intending as per their Charters of 1964 and 1968 to fulfil the Nazi objectives of the 1930’s, that of Jew extermination.

Grotesquely the Hamas Charter of 1988 takes Islamic Nazism to excremental levels by demanding in Article 17, the extermination of those whose main purpose is to fund hospices, assist the terminally ill or support those parents with physically or mentally disabled children. Those who defend the mythical Palestinians should hang their heads in shame for their advocacy of modern-day Nazism. Here is one person who will stand up and be counted and expose the human excrement that supports, defends, advocates and sympathizes with the enemies of the only Jewish State in the world that just happens to be a multiracial democracy, the absolute antipathy of Islamic Nazism and their supporters.

The amount of evidence debunking Palestinian history is exacerbated further by this telling map originated during the latter years of Ottoman rule and updated during the Sykes Picot negotiations circa 1916. The original printed map appeared in the American Geographical Society of New York Atlas and the amended version with the list of inhabitant peoples appeared in the Library of Congress in the 2018 Middle East Exhibition.

The peoples listed as inhabitants on the left column are – Greeks, Turks, Armenians, Circassians, Tatars, Karapapaks, Lazis, Tahtaji, Kizilbash, Baliki, Avshars, Aptals, Kurds and Syrians.

On the right column are listed, Metauileh, Ismailyehs, Ansazariyehs, Druzes, Maronites, Arameans, Yazidis, Nestorians, Chaldeans, Jacobites, Sabeans, Arabs, Samaritans, Persians and Jews.

Palestinians do not figure as inhabitants of the geographical area they now claim is theirs by right since time immemorial.

The Palestinians are a 1960’s invention such as the Mini Skirt and Bubble Wrap.

Are Palestinian religious claims to the geography a lie?

If one analyses the Suras within the Qur’an the obvious and only conclusion to be drawn is that Islam bequeaths, bestows and promises the landmass we know as the The Holy Land , to the Children of Israel and therefore from a religious perspective , the Palestinian claims to land are not only false but paradoxically Islamophobic.

From a religious, Islamic perspective the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem is a false claim – a claim which actually defies the Qur’an and the words of Allah and the prophet, Mohammed.  Neither the Palestinians as a people, tribe, race nor culture, nor Jerusalem as an Islamic place of importance are written of or alluded to within the Qur’an.  The reasonable conclusion, ironically and paradoxically is that support for the ‘Palestinian cause’ and Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital is fundamentally Islamophobic. Muslims all over world in their support of the Palestinian claims to the landmass known as Israel and the city known as Jerusalem, are not only mocking but are in defiance of and disobeying the commands and will of their God – Allah.

The Qur’an is quite specific and let us repeat the fact that in numerous Suras, bestows, bequeaths and promises the Land of Milk and Honey, that is today’s Israel, to the Children of Israel, the Jewish people.

Palestinians are never mentioned within the Qur’an and therefore the current false narrative promoted by those enemies of the Jewish State that Jerusalem is sacred to Palestinians should be offensive to Islam and its millions of adherents.  The Qur’an, Allah and the prophet Mohammed are being ignored, disobeyed and mocked. This may be unpalatable to Muslims supporting the Palestinians, and the anti-Jewish State Islamists and the false Imams spewing such vomit in their sermons, but is nevertheless an actuality and an undisputable and undeniable truth. According to many brave Imams and religious Muslim intellectuals, modern, global Islam is in turmoil and will continue to be in turmoil until the false narrative currently being promoted is denied, identified, exposed and repudiated

Let’s explore the facts.

  1. Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned in the Qur’an. It is mentioned 669 times in the Old Testament and if one considers the use of the word Zion which sometimes means Jerusalem, then add another 154 to the 669.
  1. Jerusalem is always said thrice daily in Jewish prayers, grace after meals, the Passover Festival ending and so on. It has no such significance in Islam.
  1. Muslims actually turn their backs to Jerusalem when they pray – a sign of contempt. This is as a result of the failed attempt by the prophet Mohammed to force Jews to convert to Islam. Many pretended to convert (in order to stop paying taxes as it was not permitted for Muslims to tax other Muslims) but maintained their Judaism. Thus, the Quib’la, the direction of prayer, which for some eighteen months instructed Muslims to face towards Jerusalem (without naming the city) was abruptly overturned (Sura 2.14) to contemptuously identify Judaism with Jerusalem.

This is the overwhelming school of thought on the Quibla is as I have described above. However, there is another school of thought which suggests that Petra, not Jerusalem was the original change of direction for followers. As neither Mecca nor Jerusalem was noted in the Sura and only some three hundred years after the event was either scribed within Islamic tradition the places are certainly open to debate. The most significant research on this subject is “Quranic Geography” by Dan Gibson. In any event the fact remains that Jerusalem was of no significance to Islam and thus Palestinian religious claims on Jerusalem are pure fiction.

  1. The world at large has been brainwashed to believe that irrespective of the points above, Jerusalem is considered to be Islam’s third holiest city by citing and repeating a connection that historically could not have happened.

Dear readers, Blitz is neither an Israeli State nor Jewish owned or sponsored publication. It is an independent journal which has been publishing the truth under extreme adversities since 2003 – Peter Baum

Next Installment: Mohammed never set foot in the Rock in Jerusalem


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