At the directive of Jordanian King Abdullah II, authorities in Amman has banned anti-militancy newspaper Blitz, for its continuous reports against Jordanian regime’s intimacy with jihadist groups and individuals as well King Abdullah and his half-sister Prince Haya Bint al-Hussein’s serious of scandalous and criminal activities.
When Jordanian King Abdullah visited United States in 2020, several members of Congress asked him about the request for Ahlam Tamimi’s extradition. According to one staffer, he dismissively responded, “It’s not going to happen”.
Back in 2019, a reporter from Jordan in an article titled ‘King Hussein Received Saddam’s Dirty Money’ wrote: “While the world may know the final fate of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, most of the people are totally unaware of the fact that a large portion of Saddam’s illegal money was regularly going to Jordanian King Hussein and he actually was operating various types of businesses being a shadow partner of Saddam. Being the partner of Saddam Hussein, Jordan’s extremely greedy and brutal autocratic ruler King Hussein had sheltered two of Saddam’s daughters including Raghad Hussein, despite the fact that she had been on the wanted list of the United States authorities. She also is listed on Iraq’s most wanted list of individuals alongside 59 others. It also features 28 ISIL fighters, 12 from Al-Qaeda and 20 from the Baath party, giving details of the roles they play in their organizations, the crimes of which they are suspected, and, in most cases, photographs.”
“….According to various sources, King Abdullah and his wife are the business associates of Raghad Hussein and they are gradually expanding their businesses in Jordan as well as in a number of countries, including the West. While money is growing fast, Raghad’s ambition of returning to power in Iraq and even some other countries in the Middle East is becoming prominent. She already is funding Islamic State and even doesn’t hesitate in offering money to notorious terrorist groups such as Hamas”.
Jordanian royal family members mad at Blitz
Jordanian ruler King Abdullah, his half-sister Princess Haya bint Al Hussein and a number of influential members of the family are mad at Blitz for its investigative reports exposing King Abdullah and his wife’s financial involvement with Saddam Hussein’s daughters as well as their connections with mega-terror outfit Hamas and other militancy groups in the Middle East.
Moreover, King Abdullah’s half-sister Princess Haya bint Al-Hussein, who fled Dubai stealing millions of dollars is also mad at Blitz for its reports exposing her notoriety and criminal acts.