Photographer Shahidul Alam’s Jamaat-e-Islami connection


Controversial photographer Shahidul Alam has succeeded in drawing attention of the local and international media as well as several individuals and rights groups. Being suggested by Al Jazeera English Service, Shalidul Alam organized school children last year and engaged them into a movement under the banner of road safety. Earlier, the Qatar-based broadcast network had suggested him to engage school children in a movement and even ignore “minor losses” [clearly hinting about getting some school children killed in arranged road accident] with the nefarious agenda of emerging as the “godfather of Bangladeshi journalists.” Ultimate agenda of Al Jazeera and Pakistani spy agency Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) were shifting the movement of the school children into an anti-government movement, thus portraying Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her government are repressers of children.

Accordingly, Alam organized the school children by inviting them through the social media, and had successfully held number of demonstrations in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh thus putting the government into serious discomfort.

According to documents obtained by this newspaper, Shahidul Alam has been maintaining relations with a Bangladeshi handler of Pakistani ISI. He also, on document, has branded ISIS (Islamic State) kingpin Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi as a ‘creation of Mossad’.

Several dubious individuals including Arundhati Roy, a known India-hater novelist and defender of Islamist militants, including those based in Jammu and Kashmir are amongst few front ranking promoters and supporters of Shahidul Alam. Arundhati has been actively working with the dangerous agenda of disintegrating India.

It may be mentioned here that, Shahidul Alam gave an interview with Al Jazeera in August, 2018 where he clearly incited riot by calling upon the students to start an anti-government movement. A case under ICT (information and communication technology) Act was filed against him for trying to oust an elected government.

Following his arrest, an orchestrated campaign in his defense continued at home and abroad, which was allegedly organized by Jamaat-e-Islam. Amnesty International gave him ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ title recognizing his ‘contributions’ in ‘defending freedom of expression’. But, in reality Shahidul’s interview with Al Jazeera had nothing to do with freedom of expression.

This newspaper also has received documentary evidence pertaining Shahidul’s indecent private life, which is not being published for the time being.

A few weeks back, pro-Caliphate Hizbut Tahrir had started pasting posters in Dhaka demanding the case against him to be withdrawn. However, when a Hizbut man with Al Qaeda connection was arrested while coordinating this campaign, Shahidul quickly contacted Hizbut Tahrir asking them to deny the pasting of such posters by publishing a statement on the website of this notorious militant group. Subsequently Shahidul started propaganda stating Israeli security agency Mossad and Indian RAW were behind pasting of posters.

Sitting in Britain, Jamaat-e-Islami’s leader Barrister Abdur Razzak has been spending lavishly in buying support for Shahidul Alam. Due to Razzak’s efforts, individuals like British Labour Party MP, Rupa Huq has been openly working in favour of Shahidul Alam.

Although, for many years, Shahidul has been pretending to be a secularist, in reality, he has deeper ties with notorious pro-Sharia groups like Jamaat. This newspaper has obtained specific evidence of Shahidul Alam’s connections with militancy-linked Jamaat-e-Islami. Amongst these evidences, there are several photographs where Shahidul is seen sitting with Mujibur Rahman Monju, former president of the student wing of Jamaat.  In the picture, he is seen to be smiling proudly declaring his affiliations with this militancy-linked group. The photograph itself proves Shahidul Alam’s affection for the war criminals. It also clearly shows his claim as secularist to be false.


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