Ranchi: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren unveiled the prestigious trophy of Hero Asian Hockey Championship 2023. On this occasion, Chief Minister Hemant Soren congratulated the Indian hockey team while launching the Pass the Ball Trophy Tour campaign. The CM said that the enthusiasm of the sports lovers along with the players will increase if the Asian Championship trophy is taken on a countrywide tour. The Asian Hockey Trophy Championship will be organized from August 3 to 12 in the hosting of Chennai.
Hero Asian Hockey Championship will start from August 3
Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren unveiled the prestigious Hero Asian Hockey Championship Trophy Chennai-2023, starting on August 3, on Monday. On this occasion, while launching the Pass the Ball Trophy Tour campaign, he extended his best wishes to the Indian Hockey Team. The Chief Minister has expressed hope that the Indian hockey team will perform better and better in this championship.
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Enthusiasm and attraction towards the championship will increase
Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that taking the Hero Asian Hockey Championship-2023 trophy on tour to different cities of the country is a great step. With this, attraction and enthusiasm towards the championship will be communicated not only among hockey players but also among sports lovers. With this, the attachment towards hockey will also increase among the common people.
Unveiled the coveted trophy of the Hero Asian Champions Trophy Chennai 2023 and launched the Pass the Ball Trophy Tour campaign in Ranchi today. Hearty congratulations, best wishes and best wishes to all the teams participating in this hockey tournament to be held in Chennai from 3rd August. Johar.@TheHockeyIndia pic.twitter.com/PjLX4SmMA2
— Hemant Soren (@HemantSorenJMM) July 17, 2023
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Many international hockey players have emerged from the land of Jharkhand
Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that Jharkhand has a deep connection with hockey. Hockey resides in every village of districts like Khunti and Simdega. The magic on the stick starts in the boys and girls right from their childhood. It seems that his life is incomplete without hockey. As a result of this, many players from here have made their own identity at the national and international level. Many international players have emerged from here, who have brought laurels to Jharkhand and the country with their game.
Unveiling of the prestigious Hero Asian Hockey Championship Trophy Chennai_2023 at Chief Minister’s Residential Office Complex and #pass_the_ball_trophy_tour to campaign @HemantSorenJMM Launched by @JharkhandCMO @TheHockeyIndia @hockeyjharkhan1 pic.twitter.com/llom9T9ieO
— Akashvani News Ranchi (@airnews_ranchi) July 17, 2023
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India is hosting for the first time
Let us tell you that India is hosting the Asian Hockey Championship for the first time. It is being organized in Chennai from 3rd to 12th August. Teams from South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Pakistan and China are mainly participating in this championship including host India. India has become the winner of the Asian Hockey Championship three times so far. India has won the championship title in the year 2011, the year 2016 and the year 2018.
Unveiling of the prestigious Hero Asian Hockey Championship Trophy Chennai_2023 at Chief Minister’s Residential Office Complex and #pass_the_ball_trophy_tour to campaign @HemantSorenJMM Launched by @JharkhandCMO @TheHockeyIndia @hockeyjharkhan1 pic.twitter.com/f1H78xLQOn
— Akashvani News Ranchi (@airnews_ranchi) July 17, 2023
Jharkhand Village Story: A village in Jharkhand, where there is a feeling of cold even in the scorching heat
were present
Secretary to Chief Minister Vinay Kumar Choubey, Director Sports Jharkhand Sarojini Lakra, General Secretary Hockey India Bhola Nath Singh, General Secretary Hockey Jharkhand Vijay Shankar Singh, Vice President Hockey Jharkhand Dharmendra Kumar, CEO Hockey Jharkhand Rajneesh Kumar were present on the occasion.
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these are the special things
Asian Hockey Championship to be held in Chennai from August 3 to 12
India is hosting the Asian Hockey Championship for the first time
Teams from South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Pakistan and China are participating
India has been the winner of the Asian Hockey Championship three times so far.
India won the Asian Hockey Championship title in 2011, 2016 and 2018.
Jharkhand has a deep connection with hockey
Many international hockey players have emerged from the soil of Jharkhand
CM Hemant Soren unveils Hero Asian Hockey Championship trophy CM Hemant Soren launches Pass the Ball Trophy Tour campaign
Congratulations to the Indian Hockey Team for launching the Pass the Ball Trophy Tour campaign
EXCLUSIVE: Sisters of Sakhi Mandal in Jharkhand are cultivating black wheat, this is a panacea for serious diseases? Hemant Soren, Chief Minister, JharkhandJharkhand has a deep connection with hockey. Hockey resides in every village of districts like Khunti and Simdega. The magic on the stick starts in the boys and girls right from their childhood. It seems that his life is incomplete without hockey. As a result of this, many players from here have made their own identity at the national and international level. Many international players have emerged from here, who have brought laurels to Jharkhand and the country with their game.