Brother of notorious criminal Sujit Sinha Arun Sinha Palamu police has arrested him from Raipur in Chhattisgarh. Actually, the police was looking for Arun Sinha for a long time. According to the police, Arun Sinha has given a lot of information about Sujit Sinha to the police. According to the information Sujit Sinha has also invested the illegally recovered money in Chhattisgarh. The police is also taking information from Arun Sinha that who all other members of his family help Sujit Sinha. According to the Palamu police, this is the first time that Sujit Sinha’s brother Arun Sinha has been arrested.
Let us inform that on June 27 last, Sujit Sinha got the Shivalay Construction Company engaged in the construction work of NH 98 in Chaparwar, located in Pipra police station area of Palamu, attacked. Shivji Das, an employee of the company, was shot in this attack. After registering an FIR, the police is running a continuous campaign to arrest the people of Sujit Sinha’s gang. In this episode, last 3 days ago, Ricky Khan, one of Sujit Sinha’s main operatives, was also arrested by the Palamu police from Ranchi.
Encounter between police and criminals in Giridih, fierce firing from both sides, two people injured )palamu police