Kanpur News: The old saying is cumin in the camel’s mouth. But the rising prices of cumin have left almonds behind too, Biparjoy in Gujarat and due to non-arrival of arrivals from Turkey and Syria, the prices of cumin have skyrocketed. In the retail market, cumin has reached Rs. The rate is 650 to 700 rupees per kg,, the price of cumin has increased by 150 percent in a year, not only this, big cardamom, fennel also jumped up to 100 rupees per kg, black pepper 50 rupees per kg in 15 days It has become costlier, traders are not able to understand the reason for the increase in these spices, last year in June, cumin sold up to Rs. 285 per kg, this time it has reached Rs. , One reason for the increase in the price is also considered to be the decrease in the arrival of cumin after the storm in Biparjoy, tell that 2000 bags of cumin comes daily in the market of Kanpur city,
(youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiZhitbTbjI)