Lucknow. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposed program on July 07 in Varanasi district. After inspecting the venue, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directed the officials that all the preparations should be completed in time. There should be no shortage on the spot. Preparation should be done keeping in mind the possible rain so that there is no hindrance in the program due to rain. Don’t bother people. After the on-site inspection, the CM also held a review meeting with the officials at the Circuit House in Varanasi.
Roads will be pothole-free by running a campaign
While congratulating everyone on the month of Shravan, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that it is a matter of good fortune that the Prime Minister is coming to Varanasi in the month of Shravan itself. In such a situation, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the city. The campaign for ‘Plastic Free Kashi’ should be run for the next two days. The CM directed the engineers of Public Works Department, Municipal Corporation, Development Authority to make all the roads pothole free by running a campaign on a war footing. Special care should also be taken for the safety and convenience of the beneficiaries coming from other districts to participate in the proposed program of PMA. Safety standards should be ensured at all costs. Do not be negligent in any case. It is rainy season, no electric wire should be open at the venue.
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City will be decorated like G-20 for PM
Varanasi will be decorated for the Prime Minister in the same way as the city of Varanasi was decorated during the G-20 group event. The same electrical decoration will be done. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked the high officials of the police to ensure strict and adequate security arrangements at the venue. The traffic system of the city will remain foolproof. During PM’s program, information about route diversion etc. will be made available to the people so that there is no hindrance in traffic. Instructed the officials of the district administration that cattle and loose animals should not be seen roaming on the roads in Varanasi. Encroachment on the roads should not be allowed to make the traffic system of the city smooth. Wherever there is encroachment, it should be removed immediately.
(youtube PM Modi