Bhagalpur: Two real sisters who were abducted by luring them to become stars on Instagram were found in Pakra village of Navgachhia police station. Supaul police traced with the help of local police. On June 11, two real sisters were abducted from Murali village of Bhaptiyahi police station in Supail district from a four-wheeler after luring them to become stars on Instagram. The relatives searched a lot for both their daughters, but they could not be found. Father Chanchal Jha lodged an FIR on June 15 at Bhaptiyahi police station.
Alka’s parting was to happen on June 14
Chanchal Jha’s two daughters Alka Kumari, Amrita Kumari used to make reels and post them equally on Instagram. She had become quite famous. Alka Kumari was married to Rahul Kumar, a young man from Laxminia. Alka Kumari’s farewell was going to happen on 14th June. She was about to go to her in-laws house with husband Rahul. Alka used to make reels with her sister Amrita and post them on Instagram and other social sites. During this, a young man tempted both the sisters to become stars on Instagram. Both the sisters fell in his trap. Both sisters used to talk to that young man equally on mobile. Both the sisters were abducted from Murli village itself at 11 o’clock in the night of 11th June in a four wheeler.
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Information received by the police on the basis of location
When all the people of the house woke up in the morning, they did not find both the sisters in the house and started searching. But both were not found. The family members were very worried. On June 25, the family submitted an application to the Supaul SP, requesting them to search for the two sisters. The police was under a lot of pressure due to the simultaneous kidnapping of both the sisters. The relatives were demanding the recovery of both the sisters. Based on the dump data and location of the mobile, the police got information that both the sisters are in Pakra of Navgachia police station. Police reached Navagachia police station to verify the information. With the help of the local police, a raid was conducted in Pakra village and both the sisters were recovered. The police have detained the brother of the main accused for questioning. The Supaul police have taken both the sisters and the brother of the main accused with them.
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