A ganji-pants clad thief stole cash worth Rs 36.70 lakh by breaking open the window grill of a shop located on the ground floor of Radhekrishna Textile Market at Nawabwadi, Ring Road in Surat. In this incident, the Salabatpura police arrested the thief’s father and friend from Bihar. With the help of the local police, the thief Bittusingh was arrested. 27.50 lakhs kept hidden in a wheat box in the house were seized.
As per details received by police sources, 45-year-old Pankajbhai Jayaprakash Bhandari, native of Udaipur, Rajasthan, resident of Avenue 77 Building No. C, House No. 6, Near Vesu L.P.Savani School, Surat, is a cloth merchant. Viram Prints runs a shop on the ground floor of Radhekrishna Textile Market in Ring Road Nawabwadi. On June 16, a ganji-pants clad thief broke open the window grill of Viram Prints shop and decamped with Rs 36.70 lakh in cash.
Salabatpura police said that thief Bittusing’s father Satyendra Narayan Brijanandan Singh (Kurmi Chowdhary) (age 57) and friend Mrityunjaykumar Babansingh (Kurmi) (age 30) were apprehended from Dalippur village in Dhangai taluka of Bhojpur district of Bihar in this incident. Rs 7.94 lakh in cash was seized from his father.
On the other hand, the Salabatpura police had camped there to catch the absconding thief Bittusingh. Meanwhile, the Salabatpura police, with the help of the local police, caught thief Bittusingh from the village last night and seized Rs 27.50 lakh hidden in a wheat box in the house.